Punk Baroque

Goal:  $5,000
Raised so far:  $3,139

I have studio time reserved in early April at Big Red Studio, and I’ll be making this album, with cello, guitar, violin, and voice.  I’ve booked a bit more time in the studio than I can really afford.  I don’t expect to make the $5,000 goal, but if I can get a bit closer to it before the beginning of April that would be fantastic.

Awards for donations:

  • $5+:  the album in your inbox when it’s done
  • $25+:  the album, plus a heartfelt “thank you” in the credits
  • $50+:  all of the above, plus a guitar or cello or songwriting lesson, in person or by Skype
  • $75+:  all of the above, plus a link to download everything I’ve ever recorded in a studio
  • $250+:  all of the above, plus a house concert next time I’m in your area
  • $500+:  all of the above, plus I’ll write a song on a topic of your choice, and record it