
Things have been getting worse for a very long while
Once upon a time you could live in style
Whatever it was you did, it was a salaried job
You could work this hard without feeling robbed
And at the Magic Kingdom I saw a vision that now I’ll always know
When I saw Cinderella sleeping in her car on the streets of Orlando

Over the years, the smiles getting thinner
No longer the faces of breadwinners
All those families eating in hotels
Once we could afford to do that as well
Now we can’t afford to stay and can’t afford to go
And Cinderella’s sleeping in her car on the streets of Orlando

Used to be a workforce, now it’s just a gig
If they need an actor, or a ditch to dig
Once it was a place to see or to be seen
Now it’s a place to be a cog in a machine
Then go back to the sidewalk before the morning’s show
Where Cinderella’s sleeping in her car on the streets of Orlando

I’m sure that pretty soon they’ll say Covid was to blame
If they can gaslight us like that that would really be a shame
I long ago lost count of all the many tears
The last time we made enough to live on, it’s been so many years
What to do with all the pain I see, can’t just let it go
When Cinderella’s sleeping in her car on the streets of Orlando