I was taking a walk one day beneath the bright sunshine
Then I passed the latest development, saw the developer’s sign
When I looked it up I felt like someone grabbed me by the collar
The house was listed there for more than half a million dollars
Just then I saw the writing on the wall, baking in the sun
It said nobody gets two houses until everybody has one
If you turn the TV on the concept won’t be mentioned
The idea is just too radical to air any such dissension
But just across the ocean there is a Danish law
That says pretty much the same thing as the graffiti that I saw
Of course if we tried it here they’d say the terrorists had won
Nobody gets two houses until everybody has one
I only had to think a little before it all became so clear
This is why housing costs so much more around here
Real estate is just another way to line a rich man’s pockets
But if this is a democracy then we can pull the plug out of the socket
Pass a referendum, then when the law is done
Nobody gets two houses until everybody has one
The rich and those who follow them will shout there is no way
Such a law would be un-American, but at the end of the day
Which way is American is up to me and you
What the future holds just depends on what we do
When we say it’s our turn now, the landlords have had their fun
Nobody gets two houses until everybody has one